

Biofuels in India

Shinoj, P et al., 'Biofuels in India', National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), New Delhi, India, 2011
Working Paper

Using the Rural Economic and Enterprise Development (REED) framework for analysis and joint action: implications for spatial development

Davis, J., Using the Rural Economic and Enterprise Development (REED) framework for analysis and joint action: implications for spatial development, presented at the International Conference on Local Development. World Bank, Washington 16 - 18 June, 2004. Session on 'Bringing Rural and Urban Together for Local Development.' Chatham, UK, Natural Resources Institute, 35 pp. (Also published as Working Paper 1 of the REED project)
Scenario-guided policy planning in Uganda

Scenario-guided policy planning in Uganda

Rutting L, Tumuhereze M, Ampaire E, Muchunguzi P, Acosta M, Okiror JF, van Asten P. 2016. Scenario-guided policy planning in Uganda. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Report / Technical

Long Term Pavement Performance Monitoring of Existing Trial Sections

Anochie-Boateng, J. and Mgangira, J., CSIR (2019). Long Term Pavement Performance Monitoring of Existing Trial Sections and Implementation of Regional Guidelines for Establishing and Monitoring Trial Sections in Tanzania, Final Report. London: ReCAP for DFID
Report / Case study

Lessons in theory of change: experiences from CCAFS

Jost, C.C.; Kristjanson, P.; Alvarez, S.; Schuetz, T.; Foerch, W.; Cramer, L.; Thornton, P. Lessons in theory of change: experiences from CCAFS. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark (2014) 4 pp