
IWMI Annual report 2020

IWMI Annual report 2020

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2021. IWMI Annual report 2020. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 62p. [doi:]
Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Matchaya, Greenwell; Yade, M.; Guthiga, P.; Tefera, W.; Yamdjeu, A. W. 2021. Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide. Pretoria, South Africa: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-ESA); Kigali, Rwanda: AKADEMIYA2063. 12p. (2021 Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review Brief)
Scientific Publication

Ten new insights in climate science 2022

Martin, M. A.; Boakye, E. A.; Boyd, E.; Broadgate, W.; Bustamante, M.; Canadell, J. G.; Carr, E. R.; Chu, E. K.; Cleugh, H.; Csevar, S.; Daoudy, M.; de Bremond, A.; Dhimal, M.; Ebi, K. L.; Edwards, C.; Fuss, S.; Girardin, M. P.; Glavovic, B.; Hebden, S.; Hirota, M.; Hsu, H.-H.; Huq, S.; Ingold, K.; Johannessen, O. M.; Kameyama, Y.; Kumarasinghe, N.; Langendijk, G. S.; Lissner, T.; Lwasa, S.; Machalaba, C.; Maltais, A.; Mathai, M. V.; Mbow, C.; McNamara, K. E.; Mukherji, Aditi; Murray, V.; Mysiak, J.; Okereke, C.; Ospina, D.; Otto, F.; Prakash, A.; Pulhin, J. M.; Raju, E.; Redman, A.; Rigaud, K. K.; Rockstrom, J.; Roy, J.; Schipper, E. L. F.; Schlosser, P.; Schulz, K. A.; Schumacher, K.; Schwarz, L.; Scown, M.; Sedova, B.; Siddiqui, T. A.; Singh, C.; Sioen, G. B.; Stammer, D.; Steinert, N. J.; Suk, S.; Sutton, R.; Thalheimer, L.; van Aalst, M.; van der Geest, K.; Zhao, Z. J. 2022. Ten new insights in climate science 2022. Global Sustainability, 5(e20):1-20. [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Prediction of first lactation milk yield using multiple regression analysis and principal components analysis in Ethiopian Boran and their crosses with Holstein Friesian in Central Ethiopia

Haile, A.; Joshi, B.K.; Ayalew, W.; Tegegne, A.; Singh A. 2008. Prediction of first lactation milk yield using multiple regression analysis and principal components analysis in Ethiopian Boran and their crosses with Holstein Friesian in Central Ethiopia. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78(1):64-70.
Scientific Publication

Prediction of first lactation milk geld of Boran cattle and their crosses with Holstein-Friesian in Central Ethiopia using multiple regression and principal components analysis

Haile, A., Joshi, B.K., Ayalew, W., Tegegne, A., Singh, A. and Chakravarty, A.K. 2008. Prediction of first lactation milk geld of Boran cattle and their crosses with Holstein-Friesian in Central Ethiopia using multiple regression and principal components analysis. Indian Journal of'AnirnaE Sciences 78 (1): 66-69.
FTA Highlight No.8 – Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials
Book / Monograph

FTA Highlight No.8 – Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials

Baral, H., Sears, R.R., Brady, M.A., Meybeck, A., Gitz, V., Njenga, M., Li, Y., Duguma, L.A., Lopez, A. and Martius, C. 2021. Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials. FTA Highlights of a Decade 2011–2021 series. Highlight No. 8. Bogor, Indonesia: The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA).
Scientific Publication

Capacity building for ACM: Lessons learned from training in distinct contexts

Cronkleton, P., Evans, K., Larson, A.M., 2022. Capacity building for ACM: Lessons learned from training in distinct contexts. In: Colfer, C.J.P., Prabhu, R. and Larson, A.M. eds., Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society, 134-157. Routledge.

The agricultural transformation and market integration in ASEAN region responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns: Summary report of a regional policy forum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December 13–14, 2018

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 'The agricultural transformation and market integration in ASEAN region responding to food security and inclusiveness concerns: Summary report of a regional policy forum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December 13–14, 2018', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2019
Scientific Publication

Policies and performance of Ethiopian cereal markets

Rashid, Shahidur; Negassa, Asfaw, 'Policies and performance of Ethiopian cereal markets', In Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges, ed. Paul A. Dorosh and Shahidur Rashid. Chapter 5 pp.123-158, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
Scientific Publication

Livestock production and marketing

Negassa, Asfaw et al., 'Livestock production and marketing', In Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges, ed. Paul A. Dorosh and Shahidur Rashid. Chapter 6 pp. 159-189, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change
Scientific Publication

A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change

Hamilton NC, Kirchhoff CJ, Kumar P, Pentz B, Simpson NP, Theokritoff E, Deryng D, Reckien D, Zavaleta-Cortijo C, Ulibarri N, Segnon AC, Khavhagali V, Shang Y, Zvobgo L, Zommers Z, Xu J, Williams PA, Canosa, IV, van Maanen N, van Bavel B, van Aalst M,Turek-Hankins, LL, Trivedi H, Trisos CH, Thomas A, Thakur S, Templeman S, Stringer LC, Sotnik G, Sjostrom KD, Singh C, Siña MZ, Shukla R, Sardans J, Salubi EA, Safaee Chalkasra, LS, Ruiz-Díaz, R, Richards C, Pokharel P, Petzold J, Penuelas J, Pelaez Avila J, Murillo JBP, Ouni S, Niemann J, Nielsen M, New M, Nayna Schwerdtle P, Nagle Alverio G, Mullin CA, Mullenite J, Mosurska A, Morecroft MD, Minx JC, Maskell G, Nunbogu AM, Magnan AK, Lwasa S, Lukas-Sithole M, Lissner T, Lilford O, Koller, SF, Jurjonas M, Joe ET, Huynh LTM, Hill A, Hernandez RR, Hegde G, Hawxwell T, Harper S, Harden A, Haasnoot M, Gilmore EA, Gichuki L, Gatt A, Garschagen M, Ford JD, Forbes A, Farrell AD, Enquist CAF, Elliott S, Duncan E, Coughlan de Perez E, Coggins S, Chen T, Campbell D, Browne KE, Bowen KJ, Biesbroek R, Bhatt ID, Bezner Kerr R, Barr SL, Baker E, Austin SE, Arotoma-Rojas I, Anderson C, Ajaz W, Agrawal T, Abu TZ. 2021. A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change. Nature Climate Change 11:989-1000.. Vol 11