
Book / Monograph

Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries

Mapedza, Everisto; Tsegai, D.; Bruntrup, M.; McLeman, R. (Eds.) 2019. Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 363p. (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research Volume 2)

Social protection to combat hunger

Wouterse, Fleur; Murphy, Sophia; Porciello, Jaron, 'Social protection to combat hunger', Nature Food, vol. 1(9), pp. 517-518, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020
Scientific Publication

The road to resilience: Rethinking responses to food crises

Kosec, Katrina; Swinnen, Johan, 'The road to resilience: Rethinking responses to food crises', In Global Food Policy Report 2023: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses. Chapter 1, Pp. 6-19, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023
Scientific Publication

The politics of reducing malnutrition

Gillespie, Stuart et al., 'The politics of reducing malnutrition', The Lancet, vol. 382(9891), pp. 552-569, Elsevier BV, 2013
Scientific Publication

Maternal and child nutrition

Black, Robert E et al., 'Maternal and child nutrition', The Lancet, vol. 382(9890), pp. 372-375, Elsevier BV, 2013

Ending hunger: What would it cost?

Laborde Debucquet, David et al., 'Ending hunger: What would it cost?', International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2016