

Rural Development Report 2016

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 'Rural Development Report 2016', International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy, 2016
Scientific Publication

Scaling up multisectoral aproaches to combating HIV and AIDS

Binswanger, Hans P; Gillespie, Stuart; Kadiyala, Suneetha, 'Scaling up multisectoral aproaches to combating HIV and AIDS', In AIDS, poverty and hunger: Challenges and responses, ed. Stuart Gillespie. Chapter 11. Pp. 199-220, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2006
Scientific Publication

Social protection: Adaptive safety nets for crisis recovery

Hirvonen, Kalle, 'Social protection: Adaptive safety nets for crisis recovery', In Global Food Policy Report 2023: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses. Chapter 5, Pp. 52-61, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023

Regional developments: Central Asia [in Russian}

Akramov, K; Romashkin, Roman; Ilyasov, Jarilkasin, 'Regional developments: Central Asia [in Russian}', In 2021 Global food policy report: Transforming food systems after COVID-19. Regional Developments, Pp. 74-105, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2021
Scientific Publication

Guiding principles of AIP reform

De Weerdt, Joachim; Duchoslav, Jan, 'Guiding principles of AIP reform', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

A major food transfer program in Bangladesh fell short during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bin Khaled, Muhammad Nahian et al., 'A major food transfer program in Bangladesh fell short during the COVID-19 pandemic', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Three: Nutrition, Health and Social Programs, Chapter 22, Pp. 132-134, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes

McDermott, John; Allison-Reumann, Laura, 'Smarter policies for enhanced food security and food system outcomes', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Four: Policy Responses and Implications, Chapter 26, Pp. 146-161, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Resilience of urban value chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from dairy and vegetable chains in Ethiopia

Hirvonen, Kalle et al., 'Resilience of urban value chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from dairy and vegetable chains in Ethiopia', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Two: Agricultural Production and Value Chains, Chapter 12, Pp. 82-86, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Impact of falling remittances amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s war-torn economy

Elsabbagh, Dalia; Kurdi, Sikandra; Wiebelt, Manfred, 'Impact of falling remittances amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s war-torn economy', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part One: Food Security & Poverty, Chapter 7, Pp. 51-53, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

COVID-19 and food inflation scares

Vos, Rob et al., 'COVID-19 and food inflation scares', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Two: Agricultural Production and Value Chains, Chapter 10, Pp. 64-72, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Uneven recovery and a lingering food crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic for rural safety net transfer recipients in Ethiopia

Gilligan, Daniel et al., 'Uneven recovery and a lingering food crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic for rural safety net transfer recipients in Ethiopia', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Three: Nutrition, Health and Social Programs, Chapter 18, Pp. 110-121, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

COVID-19 will mostly spare young children; the economic crisis will not

Ruel, Marie; Headey, Derek, 'COVID-19 will mostly spare young children; the economic crisis will not', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Three: Nutrition, Health and Social Programs, Chapter 19, Pp. 122-124, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Selected country experiences during the pandemic: Policy responses and CGIAR support

Andam, K; Ezekannagha, Oluchi, 'Selected country experiences during the pandemic: Policy responses and CGIAR support', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Four: Policy Responses and Implications, Chapter 28, Pp. 172-179, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Fiscal and monetary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Current conditions and future scenarios in developing countries

Diaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Centurion, Miriam, 'Fiscal and monetary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Current conditions and future scenarios in developing countries', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Four: Policy Responses and Implications, Chapter 27, Pp. 162-171, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022