
Guatemalan potato tuber moth, Tecia solanivora (Povolny)
Scientific Publication

Guatemalan potato tuber moth, Tecia solanivora (Povolny)

Cañedo, V.; Schaub, B.; Carhuapoma, P.; Kroschel, J. 2014. Guatemalan potato tuber moth, Tecia solanivora (Povolny). RTB Workshop. Kampala (Uganda). May 28-30 2014. Lima (Peru). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). pp. 23-24.
Poster / Presentation

Perspectives on livestock and One Health

Smith, J. 2022. Perspectives on livestock and One Health. Presented at the TropAg Symposium 4.4: One Health from a livestock view, Brisbane, 1 November 2022. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Cultivated systems

Cassman, K. G.; Wood, S.; Choo, P. S.; Cooper, H. D.; Devendra, C.; Dixon, J.; Gaskell, J.; Khan, S.; Lal, R.; Lipper, Leslie; Pretty, J.; Primavera, J.; Ramankutty, N.; Viglizzo, E.; Wiebe, K.; Kadungure, S.; Kanbar, N.; Khan, Z.; Leakey, R.; Porter, S.; Sebastian, K.; Tharme, Rebecca. 2005. Cultivated systems. In Hassan, R.�; Scholes, R.�; Ash, N. (Eds.).� Ecosystems and human well-being: current state and trends. Volume 1.� Washington, DC, USA: Island Press. pp.745-794.
Scientific Publication

The economic rationale for investing in stunting reduction

Hoddinott, John F et al., 'The economic rationale for investing in stunting reduction', Maternal and Child Nutrition 9(Supplement S2): 69-82. Special Issue on Promoting Healthy Growth and Preventing Childhood Stunting., 2013
Training Material

Manual para el beneficio de semillas

Aguirre, Roberto; Peske, Silmar Teichert. 1988. Manual para el beneficio de semillas. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. v.
Scientific Publication

Data quality step by step

Presentation at: ‘PEN: The Long Walk to Impact’, 4th PEN workshop, Barcelona, 8-12 January 2008, 51 pp