
Assessing the Productivity, Quality and Profitability of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes Grown in Riverbank of the Tista Floodplain Agro-Ecological Zone of Bangladesh
Scientific Publication

Assessing the Productivity, Quality and Profitability of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes Grown in Riverbank of the Tista Floodplain Agro-Ecological Zone of Bangladesh

Mahmud, A. A., Alam, M. J., Heck, S., Grüneberg, W. J., Chanda, D., Rahaman, E. H. M. S., Molla, M. S. H., Anwar, M. M., Talukder, M. A. A. H., Ali, M. A., Amin, M. N., Alhomrani, M., Gaber, A., & Hossain, A. (2021). Assessing the Productivity, Quality and Profitability of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes Grown in Riverbank of the Tista Floodplain Agro-Ecological Zone of Bangladesh. Agronomy, 11(10). ISSN 2073-4395. 17 p.
Scientific Publication

Chapter 13 - SDG 13: Climate Action - Impacts on Forests and People

Louman, B., Keenan, R.J., Kleinschmit, D., Atmadja, S., Sitoe, A.A., Nhantumbo, I., de Camino Velozo, R., Morales, J.P. 2019. Chapter 13 - SDG 13: Climate Action - Impacts on Forests and People. In: P. Katila, C.J.P. Colfer, Jong, W. de G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, G. Winkel, (eds). Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People: 419-444. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scientific Publication

Chapter 19 - The Impacts of the Sustainable Development Goals on Forests and People - Conclusions and the Way Forward

Winkel, G., Galloway, G., Colfer, C.J.P., de Jong, W., Katila, P., Pacheco, P. 2019. Chapter 19 - The Impacts of the Sustainable Development Goals on Forests and People - Conclusions and the Way Forward. In: P. Katila, C.J.P. Colfer, Jong, W. de G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, G. Winkel, (eds). Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People: 601-617. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Scientific Publication

Towards gender equality in forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture

Elias, Marlène; Zaremba, Haley; Zaremba, Haley; Ragasa, Catherine; Valencia, Ana Maria Paez; Choudhury, Afrina; and de Haan, Nicoline. 2024. Towards gender equality in forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture. Global Food Security 41(June 2024): 100761.
Genetic innovation gender strategy

Genetic innovation gender strategy

Ahsby, J.; Polar, V.; Bonaiuti, E.; Bikketti, E.; Belcher, B. 2024. Genetic Innovation Gender Strategy. 48 p. DOI: 10.4160/cip.2024.04.005
Gender policy analysis in South Asia

Gender policy analysis in South Asia

Buchy, Marlene; Bhattacharjee, Suchiradipta; Dikshit, Manya; Karki, Darshan; Pradhan, Melissa; Taneja, Garima. 2024. Gender policy analysis in South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies. 13p. (Policy Guidance Brief No. 2).
Scientific Publication

The process of change to sustainable farming practices

Park, J. & Keatinge, J.D. (2000). The process of change to sustainable farming practices. In Technical and social systems approaches for sustainable rural development: Proceedings of the 2nd European symposium on rural and farming systems research, 27-29 March 1996. Weikersheim, Germany: Margraf Verlag, (p. 165-168).
Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua

Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua

Diaz, M.F., Enciso, K., Burkart, S.2018.Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT. Cali. CO. 118 p.
Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia
Scientific Publication

Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia

Stür, W.W.; Hopkinson, J.M.; Chen, C.P.. 1996. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia . In: Miles, John W; Maass, Brigitte L; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Kumble, Vrinda (eds.). Brachiaria: Biology, agronomy, and improvement . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Campo Grande, BR : Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte (CNPGC), Cali, CO. p. 258-271. (CIAT publication no. 259)
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Financing REDD+: A transaction among equals, or an uneven playing field?

Atmadja, S., Arwida, S.D., Martius, C., Pham, T.T. 2018. Financing REDD+ : A transaction among equals, or an uneven playing field?. In. A. Angelsen, C. Martius, V. de Sy, A.E. Duchelle, A.M. Larson, Pham T.T. (eds.). Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions: 29-40. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).