
Status and potentials of the Philippine cassava industry
Scientific Publication

Status and potentials of the Philippine cassava industry

Bacusmo, Jose L.. 2001. Status and potentials of the Philippine cassava industry . In: Howeler, Reinhardt H.; Tan, Swee Lian (eds.). Cassava's potential in Asia in the 21st Century: Present situation and future research and development needs: Proceedings of the sixth Regional workshop, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Feb. 21-25, 2000 . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cassava Office for Asia, Cali, CO. p. 84-101.

Bridging the digital divide

Mohan, Uday, 'Bridging the digital divide', News and Views: IFPRI's 2020 Vision newsletter. September 2000, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2000
Scientific Publication

Capacity and incentive factors affecting individual scientist's productivity

Ragasa, Catherine, 'Capacity and incentive factors affecting individual scientist's productivity', Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Triennial Conference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil 18-24 August, 2012, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2012
Memorias TeSAC Santa Rita, Honduras 2019

Memorias TeSAC Santa Rita, Honduras 2019

Martínez JD, Álvarez O. 2019. Memorias TeSAC Santa Rita, Honduras 2019. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Realizing resilience for decision-making
Scientific Publication

Realizing resilience for decision-making

Grafton, R. Quentin; Doyen, Luc; Béné, Christophe; Borgomeo, Edoardo; Brooks, Kate; Chu, Long; Cumming, Graeme S.; Dixon, John; Dovers, Stephen; Garrick, Dustin; Helfgott, Ariella; Jiang, Qiang; Katic, Pamela; Kompas, Tom; Little, L. Richard; Matthews, Nathanial; Ringler, Claudia; Squires, Dale; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar; Villasante, Sebastián; Wheeler, Sarah; Williams, John & Wyrwoll, Paul R. (2019). Realizing resilience for decision-making. Nature Sustainability. 2: 907-913.