
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1988. ICRA. Spore 14. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Target 10 – Productive Sectors
Working Paper

Target 10 – Productive Sectors

DeClerck, F.; Navarrete-Frías, C.; Jones, S.; Estrada Carmona, N.; Barrios, E.; Milano, F.; Obura, D.; Leadley, P. (2022) Target 10 – Productive Sectors. In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Science briefs on targets, goals and monitoring in support of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework negotiations. CBD/WG2020/4/INF/2/Rev.2 97 p.
Scientific Publication

Investing in poor people in poor lands

Hazell, P. B. R, 'Investing in poor people in poor lands', Paper prepared for IFAD by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Wageningen University and Reserch Center (WUR), July 2002, 2002
Dataset / Tabular

Mau Forest Household baseline

Baraka, Paul;Okia, Clement;Chiputwa, Brian;Gassner, Anja;Makui, Parmutia;Kuria, Anne, 2015, "Mau Forest Household baseline",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V8, UNF:6:jaLMrVkTjW9K2xVLXSCrWQ== [fileUNF]
Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil
Poster / Presentation

Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil

Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, D.; Hunter, D.; Neves Soares Oliveira, C.; Borelli, T.; Coradin, L. (2016) Opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into institutional food procurement programs in Brazil.[Abstract] presented at: Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world - fair use of resources. Vienna (Austria) Sep 18-21, 1p.
Dataset / Tabular

Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files

Makui, Parmutia;Elisée Bahati Ntawuhiganayo;Harrison, Rhett, 2020, "Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V6
IITA-Gender Responsive Breeding Training Report

IITA-Gender Responsive Breeding Training Report

Cavicchioli, M., Zimbiti, T., Teeken, B., Nwanze, D.O., Liani, M., Parkes, E. & Bello, A. (2023). IITA-Gender Responsive Breeding Training Report. Genetic Resources Center, IITA-HQ, Ibadan, 21-23 September, 2022. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA, (34 p.).
WorldFish in Zambia

WorldFish in Zambia

WorldFish (2017). WorldFish in Zambia. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Factsheet: 2017-19
Exclosures for ecosystem restoration and economic benefits in Ethiopia: a catalogue of management options
Book / Monograph

Exclosures for ecosystem restoration and economic benefits in Ethiopia: a catalogue of management options

Mekuria, Wolde; Barron, Jennie; Dessalegn, Mengistu; Adimassu, Zenebe; Amare, T.; Wondie, M. 2017. Exclosures for ecosystem restoration and economic benefits in Ethiopia: a catalogue of management options. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).. 28p. (WLE Research for Development (R4D) Learning Series 4) doi: 10.5337/2017.204
Improved livelihoods and food security for over 2000 households from rehabilitation of a degraded watershed is leading to scaling out of the model to other watersheds in Ethiopia
Report / Case study

Improved livelihoods and food security for over 2000 households from rehabilitation of a degraded watershed is leading to scaling out of the model to other watersheds in Ethiopia

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2021. Improved livelihoods and food security for over 2000 households from rehabilitation of a degraded watershed is leading to scaling out of the model to other watersheds in Ethiopia. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Scientific Publication

Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model

Peaucelle, Marc; Bacour, Cédric; Ciais, Philippe; Vuichard, Nicolas; Kuppel, Sylvain; Peñuelas, Josep; Belelli Marchesini, Luca; Blanken, Peter D.; Buchmann, Nina; Chen, Jiquan; Delpierre, Nicolas; Desai, Ankur R.; Dufrene, Eric; Gianelle, Damiano; Gimeno-Colera, Cristina; Gruening, Carsten; Helfter, Carole; Hörtnagl, Lukas; Ibrom, Andreas; Joffre, Richard; Kato, Tomomichi; Kolb, Thomas E.; Law, Beverly; Lindroth, Anders; Mammarella, Ivan; Merbold, Lutz; Minerbi, Stefano; Montagnani, Leonardo; Šigut, Ladislav; Sutton, Mark; Varlagin, Andrej; Vesala, Timo; Wohlfahrt, Georg; Wolf, Sebastian; Yakir, Dan; Viovy, Nicolas. 2019. Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1351-1365