
Scientific Publication

Mapping basin level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran

Ahmad, Mobin-ud-Din; Islam, Aminul; Masih, Ilyas; Muthuwatta, Lal; Karimi, Poolad; Turral, Hugh. 2008. Mapping basin level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran. Paper presented at the 13th IWRA World Water Congress on Global Changes and Water Resources, "Confronting the expanding and diversifying pressures", Montpellier, France, 1-4 September 2008. 13p.
IWMI Annual report 2020

IWMI Annual report 2020

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2021. IWMI Annual report 2020. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 62p. [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Ten new insights in climate science 2022

Martin, M. A.; Boakye, E. A.; Boyd, E.; Broadgate, W.; Bustamante, M.; Canadell, J. G.; Carr, E. R.; Chu, E. K.; Cleugh, H.; Csevar, S.; Daoudy, M.; de Bremond, A.; Dhimal, M.; Ebi, K. L.; Edwards, C.; Fuss, S.; Girardin, M. P.; Glavovic, B.; Hebden, S.; Hirota, M.; Hsu, H.-H.; Huq, S.; Ingold, K.; Johannessen, O. M.; Kameyama, Y.; Kumarasinghe, N.; Langendijk, G. S.; Lissner, T.; Lwasa, S.; Machalaba, C.; Maltais, A.; Mathai, M. V.; Mbow, C.; McNamara, K. E.; Mukherji, Aditi; Murray, V.; Mysiak, J.; Okereke, C.; Ospina, D.; Otto, F.; Prakash, A.; Pulhin, J. M.; Raju, E.; Redman, A.; Rigaud, K. K.; Rockstrom, J.; Roy, J.; Schipper, E. L. F.; Schlosser, P.; Schulz, K. A.; Schumacher, K.; Schwarz, L.; Scown, M.; Sedova, B.; Siddiqui, T. A.; Singh, C.; Sioen, G. B.; Stammer, D.; Steinert, N. J.; Suk, S.; Sutton, R.; Thalheimer, L.; van Aalst, M.; van der Geest, K.; Zhao, Z. J. 2022. Ten new insights in climate science 2022. Global Sustainability, 5(e20):1-20. [doi:]
FTA Highlight No.8 – Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials
Book / Monograph

FTA Highlight No.8 – Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials

Baral, H., Sears, R.R., Brady, M.A., Meybeck, A., Gitz, V., Njenga, M., Li, Y., Duguma, L.A., Lopez, A. and Martius, C. 2021. Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials. FTA Highlights of a Decade 2011–2021 series. Highlight No. 8. Bogor, Indonesia: The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA).
Scientific Publication

Exploring characteristics of national forest inventories for integration with global space-based forest biomass data

Nesha, K., Herold, M., De Sy, V., de Bruin, S., Araza, A., Málaga, N., Gamarra, J.G.P., Hergoualc'h, K., Pekkarinen, A., Ramirez, C., Morales-Hidalgo, D. and Tavani, R. 2022. Exploring characteristics of national forest inventories for integration with global space-based forest biomass data. Science of The Total Environment: 157788.
Scientific Publication

Capacity building for ACM: Lessons learned from training in distinct contexts

Cronkleton, P., Evans, K., Larson, A.M., 2022. Capacity building for ACM: Lessons learned from training in distinct contexts. In: Colfer, C.J.P., Prabhu, R. and Larson, A.M. eds., Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society, 134-157. Routledge.
Maarifa Knowledge Centres
Report / Case study

Maarifa Knowledge Centres

Harvey B, Ensor J, Carlile L, Garside B, Patterson Z, Naess LO. 2012. Climate change communication and social learning–Review and strategy development for CCAFS. CCAFS Working Paper No. 22. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Bertindak dengan tepat, panduan untuk meningkatkan inklusi dalam forum multipihak
Book / Monograph

Bertindak dengan tepat, panduan untuk meningkatkan inklusi dalam forum multipihak

Evans, K., Monterroso, I., Ombogoh, D.B., Liswanti, N., Tamara, A., Mariño, H., Sarmiento Barletti, J.P., Larson, A.M. 2021. Bertindak dengan tepat, panduan untuk meningkatkan inklusi dalam forum multipihak. Bogor, Indonesia. Center for International Forestry Research.
Forests regenerate on titled Indigenous territories: A multiscale interdisciplinary analysis of 25 Indigenous communities over 40 years in the Peruvian Amazon

Forests regenerate on titled Indigenous territories: A multiscale interdisciplinary analysis of 25 Indigenous communities over 40 years in the Peruvian Amazon

Bennett, A., Larson, A.M., Zamorra Ríos, A., Gamarra Agama, S., Monterroso, I. 2021. Forests regenerate on titled Indigenous territories: A multiscale interdisciplinary analysis of 25 Indigenous communities over 40 years in the Peruvian Amazon. CIFOR Infobrief 358. Bogor, Indonesia. Center for International Forestry Research.
Scientific Publication

Modelling Small-Scale Storage Interventions in Semi-Arid India at the Basin Scale

Horan, R and Wable, P S and Srinivasan, V and Baron, H E and Keller, V J D and Garg, K K and Rickards, N and Simpson, M and Houghton-Carr, H A and Rees, H G (2021) Modelling Small-Scale Storage Interventions in Semi-Arid India at the Basin Scale. Sustainability (TSI), 13 (11). pp. 1-28. ISSN 2071-1050