
Report / Case study

Rapid Rural Appraisal Report of Northern Uganda

Mwongera C, Shikuku KM, Twyman J, Winowiecki L, Ampaire A, Koningstein M, Twomlow S. 2014. Rapid Rural Appraisal Report of Northern Uganda. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

how are we doing?

How are we doing?

Sarmiento Barletti JP, Larson AM, Cisneros N, Heise N, Liswanti N, Mariño, H and Tamara A. 2020. How are we doing? A tool to reflect on the process, progress and priorities of your multi-stakeholder forum. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.

Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk production, handling and processing practices and prevention of the transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases
Training Material

Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk production, handling and processing practices and prevention of the transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases

Amenu, K., Desta, H. and Alonso, S. 2018. Guide for training of pastoralists (women) in Borana Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia on good milk production, handling and processing practices and prevention of the transmission of milk-borne zoonotic diseases. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems.
Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure
Scientific Publication

Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure

Ahern, M.; Raneri, J.; De Muro, P. ; Kennedy, G. (2016) Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure. [Abstract] presented at Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world — fair use of resources, September 18 - 21, 2016 1 p.
Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure
Poster / Presentation

Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure

Ahern, M.; Raneri, J.; De Muro, P. ; Kennedy, G. (2016) Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure. Poster presented at Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world — fair use of resources, September 18 - 21, 2016. 1 p.

Structural vulnerability to climate change in Bangladesh: a literature review. [Project report prepared by IWMI for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) under the project "Water-related Interventions to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change: Do they Address the Structural Causes of Gendered Vulnerability in the IGP [Indo Gangetic Plains]"].

de Silva, Sanjiv. 2012. Structural vulnerability to climate change in Bangladesh: a literature review. [Project report prepared by IWMI for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) under the project "Water-related Interventions to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change: Do they Address the Structural Causes of Gendered Vulnerability in the IGP [Indo Gangetic Plains]"]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 82p.
Scientific Publication

Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana = Identification of preferred traits of cassava varieties by users in the production-consumption chain at the Colombian Caribbean region

López Montes, Antonio José; Marín Arredondo, Norbey. 2007. Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana . Revista CORPOICA (Colombia) 8(2):42-49.
The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19
Scientific Publication

The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19

Habermann, B., Crane, T.A., Gichuki, L., Worku, T., Mugumya, R., Maiyo, N., Kiptoo, E., Goshme, S., Mohammednur, F., Tugume, G., Satia, K.A. and Siamito, J.R. 2022. The art of letting go: Transforming participatory research on adaptation practices among local livestock-keepers in East Africa in times of Covid-19. Frontiers in Sustainable Food System 5:768445.
Scientific Publication

Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices

Feyisa, G L and Palao, L K and Nelson, A and Gumma, M K and Paliwal, A and Win, K T and Nge, K H and Johnson, D E (2020) Characterizing and mapping cropping patterns in a complex agro-ecosystem: An iterative participatory mapping procedure using machine learning algorithms and MODIS vegetation indices. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (TSI), 175. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0168-1699
Farmer Participatory Early-Generation Yield Testing of Sorghum in West Africa: Possibilities to Optimize Genetic Gains for Yield in Farmers’ Fields
Scientific Publication

Farmer Participatory Early-Generation Yield Testing of Sorghum in West Africa: Possibilities to Optimize Genetic Gains for Yield in Farmers’ Fields

Fred Rattunde, Sebastian Michel, Willmar Leiser, Hans-Peter Piepho, Chiaka Diallo, Kirsten vom Brocke, Bocar Diallo, Bettina Haussmann, Eva Weltzien. (17/6/2016). Farmer Participatory Early-Generation Yield Testing of Sorghum in West Africa: Possibilities to Optimize Genetic Gains for Yield in Farmers’ Fields. crop science, 56 (5), pp. 2493-2505
Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production
Scientific Publication

Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production

Ghosh, R and Pande, S and Telangre, R and Kathal, D and Singh, S and Usmani, G and Patel, A and Rao, S K and Mishra, S and Pachuri, A and Verma, S and Sharma, R N and Gaur, P M and Sharma, M (2014) Participatory varietal selection of chickpea in rainfed rice fallow lands of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in India for sustainable crop production. International Journal of Plant Production, 8 (2). pp. 243-254. ISSN 1735-6814