
Scientific Publication

The consequences of labour out-migration on income, rice productivity and gender roles: Synthesis of findings in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

Paris, T. R et al., 'The consequences of labour out-migration on income, rice productivity and gender roles: Synthesis of findings in the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam', vol. Part III; pages 185-196, ill. Ref, In: Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty. Status, trends and gaps, The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the International Labour Office; Rome, 2010
Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala.
Scientific Publication

Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala.

Stoian, D.; Elias, M.; Rodas, A. (2017) Land, livelihoods and gender: Dynamics of community forestry in Peten, Guatemala. [Abstract] In: Tielkes, E. (ed.): Tropentag 2017 – Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference held in Bonn, Germany on September 20-22, 2017, p. 504.

La aplicación de salvaguardas en los sistemas nacionales de distribución de beneficios de REDD+: Lecciones sobre efectividad, eficiencia y equidad

Brockhaus, M., Wong, G.Y., Luttrell, C., Loft, L., Pham, T.T., Duchelle, A.E., Assembe-Mvondo, S., Di Gregorio, M. . 2014. La aplicación de salvaguardas en los sistemas nacionales de distribución de beneficios de REDD+ : Lecciones sobre efectividad, eficiencia y equidad. : 4p. CIFOR REDD+ Safeguards Brief No. 2. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).