
Scientific Publication

Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses

Margetts, B.M.; Fall, C.H.D.; Ronsmans, C.; Allen, L.H.; Fisher, D.J.; Maternal Micronutrient Supplementation Study Group (MMSSG). Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (2009) 30 (Supplement 4) 517-526. (Supplement 4: Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy in Developing Country Settings; ed. by Dalmiya, N., Darnton-Hill, I., Schultink, W. and Shrimpton, R.)
Scientific Publication

FACT Project AS-MQ

Presentatation from: Scientific Symposium 'Implementation of Artemisinin Combination Therapies (ACTs): Role of ASMQ'. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17 April 2008
Scientific Publication

Altered cellular infiltration and cytokine levels during early Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigC mutant infection are associated with late-stage disease attenuation and milder immunopathology in mice

Abdul-Majid, K-B.; Ly, L.H.; Converse, P.J.; Geiman, D.E.; McMurray, D.N.; Bishai, W.R. Altered cellular infiltration and cytokine levels during early Mycobacterium tuberculosis sigC mutant infection are associated with late-stage disease attenuation and milder immunopathology in mice. BMC Microbiology (2008) 8 (1) 151. (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-8-151)
Magazine or Press item

Psyllids, Africa beware!

CTA. 1989. Psyllids, Africa beware!. Spore 23. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Le Sahel en diapositives

CTA. 1988. Le Sahel en diapositives. Spore 15. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

An integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness

Welton-Mitchell, C., James, L. E., Khanal, S. N., & James, A. S. (2018). An integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness: a cluster comparison with earthquake affected communities in Nepal. BMC psychiatry, 18(1), 296.
Scientific Publication

Setting priorities for humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene research: a meeting report

L. D’Mello-Guyett, T. Yates, A. Bastable, M. Dahab, C. Deola, C. Dorea, R. Dreibelbis, T. Grieve, T. Handzel, A. Harmer, D. Lantagne, P. Maes, M. Opryszko, S. Palmer-Felgate, B. Reed, R. Van Den Bergh, D. Porteaud, O. Cumming (2018) Setting priorities for humanitarian water, sanitation and hygiene research: a meeting report. Conflict and Health 12:22
Scientific Publication

One Health research in northern Tanzania - challenges and progress

Ladbury G, Cleaveland S, Davis A, de Glanville W, Forde T, Halliday J, Haydon D, Kibiki G, Kiwelu I, Lembo T, Maro V, Mmbaga B, Ndyetabura T, Sharp J, Zadoks R. (2017). One Health Research in Northern Tanzania – Challenges and Progress. East African Health Research Journal 1(1): 8-18
Scientific Publication

Effects of Various Disaster Management Approaches: An Evidence Summary

Nidhi Srivastava, Neha Bharti, Bhawna Tyagi, Sonakshi Saluja, P K Bhattacharya, Shazia Aslam, Veena Aggarwal (2016), Effects of Various Disaster Management Approaches: An Evidence Summary. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education, University College London