
Scientific Publication

Health systems, systems thinking and innovation

Atun, R. Health systems, systems thinking and innovation. Health Policy and Planning (2012) 27 (suppl 4) iv4-iv8. (Systems thinking for health systems strengthening in LMICs: seizing the opportunity) (DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czs088)
Scientific Publication

SMS for Life: Using market information to support public health

Mtug’e, R. SMS for Life: Using market information to support public health. Presentation from MMV 11th stakeholders’ meeting, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2-3 June 2011. Medicines For Malaria Venture, Geneva, Switzerland (2011) 10 pp
Scientific Publication

Prevalence of specific neutralizing antibodies against Sendai virus in populations from different geographic areas: Implications for AIDS vaccine development using Sendai virus vectors

Ackland, J.; Anzala, O.; Cormier, E.; Excler, J.L.; Falsey, A.R.; Hara, H.; Hasegawa, M.; Hironaka, T.; Iida, A.; Inoue, M.; Kamali, A.; Karita, E.; Krebs, M.; Lombardo, A.; Mwananyanda, L.; Nagai, Y.; Parks, C.L.; Price, M.A.; Sanders, E.J.; Sayeed, E.; Shu, T.; Vasan, S. Prevalence of specific neutralizing antibodies against Sendai virus in populations from different geographic areas: Implications for AIDS vaccine development using Sendai virus vectors. Human Vaccines (2011) 7 (6)
Scientific Publication

The Novel TB Vaccine, AERAS-402, Induces Robust and Pulyfunctional CD4 and CD8 T Cells in Adults

Abel, B.; Tameris, M.; Mansoor, N.; Gelderbloem, S.; Hughes, J.; Abrahams, D.; Makhethe, L.; Erasmus, M.; de Kock, M.; van der Merwe, L.; Hawkridge, A.; Veldsman, A.; Hatherill, M.; Schirru, G.; Pau, M.G.; Hendriks, J.; Weverling, G.J.; Goudsmit, J.; Sizemore, D.; McClain, J.B.; Goetz, M.; Gearhart, J.; Mahomed, H.; Hussey, G.D.; Sadoff, J.C.; Hanekom, W.A. The Novel Tuberculosis Vaccine, AERAS-402, Induces Robust and Polyfunctional CD4+and CD8+T Cells in Adults. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (2010) 181 (12) 1407-1417. (DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200910-1484OC)
Scientific Publication

Pembalakan ramah lingkungan: Manfaat dan hambatan

Priyadi, H., Sist, P., Gunarso, P., Kanninen, M., Kartawinata, K, Sheil, D., Setyawati, T., Dwiprabowo, H., Siswoyo, H., Silooy, G., Siregar, C.A., Dharmawan, W.S. 2009. Pembalakan ramah lingkungan: Manfaat dan hambatan . In: Gunarso, P., Setyawati, T., Sunderland, T.C.H., Shackleton, C., eds.. Pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan di era desentralisasi: pelajaran yang dipetik dari hutan penelitian Malinau, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. :87-104. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). ISBN: 978-602-8693-09-7..
Dataset / Tabular

Dataset for: Agronomic log of small potato farmers during the 2021-2022 campaign in the districts of Chugay, Pataz, Pías y Tayabamba in the department of La Libertad - Peru

Rinza, Javier; Diaz, Eli; Ramirez, David; Ninanya, Johan; Arias, Enner A; Cieza, Fredy; Flores, Demetrio; Huamanchay, William; Mendoza, Wilson; Roncal, Alex; Villanueva, Alex J.; Villanueva, Cristian; Otiniano, Ronal; Perez, Juan M., 2022, "Dataset for: Agronomic log of small potato farmers during the 2021-2022 campaign in the districts of Chugay, Pataz, Pías y Tayabamba in the department of La Libertad - Peru.",, International Potato Center, V1, UNF:6:JXqBtQEFmqyO8OcV0ZvUbA== [fileUNF]
Dataset / Tabular

Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013: Role and impact of clove on the income generation of farms in Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modeling by the Olympia software of a farm by type and per village 2013Titre en anglais (si original en français) | en français (si original en anglais)

Richard Annabelle, 2019, "Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013",, CIRAD Dataverse, V3
Le Coton
Training Material

Le Coton

CTA. 2004. Le Coton. Programme de radio rurale 04/5. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Two-thirds still hungry

CTA. 2001. Two-thirds still hungry. Spore 94. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Guinea Bissau: SOS Info!

CTA. 1999. Guinea Bissau: SOS Info! . Spore 83. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Des outils à affûter

CTA. 2001. Des outils à affûter. Spore 91. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.