
Scientific Publication

Developing integrated management plans for natural treatment systems in urbanised areas: case studies from Hyderabad and Chennai

Amerasinghe, Priyanie; Sonkamble, S.; Jampani, Mahesh; Wajihuddin, Md.; Lakshmanan, E.; Starkl, M.; Sarah, S.; Fahimuddin, Md.; Ahmed, S. 2015. Developing integrated management plans for natural treatment systems in urbanised areas: case studies from Hyderabad and Chennai. In Wintgens. T.; Nattorp, A.; Elango, L.; Asolekar, S. R. (Eds.). Natural water treatment systems for safe and sustainable water supply in the Indian context: Saph Pani, London, UK: IWA Publishing. pp. 251-264.
Scientific Publication

Cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions for diarrhoeal disease reduction among consumers of wastewater-irrigated lettuce in Ghana

Seidu, R.; Drechsel, Pay. 2010. Cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions for diarrhoeal disease reduction among consumers of wastewater-irrigated lettuce in Ghana. In Drechsel, Pay; Scott, C. A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, M.; Bahri, Akissa (Eds.). Wastewater irrigation and health: assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. London, UK: Earthscan; Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.261-283. (Also in French).
Scientific Publication

Mapping of evaporation in the western desert of Egypt with remote sensing techniques

Bastiaanssen, W. G. M.; Menenti, M. 1990. Mapping of evaporation in the western desert of Egypt with remote sensing techniques. In Symposium on Land Drainage for Salinity Control in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Cairo, Egypt, 25 February - 2 March 1990. Vol.4. Cairo, Egypt: Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources. pp.110-112.
Scientific Publication

Management information needs for groundwater irrigation within a large canal system

Raju, K. V. 1994. Management information needs for groundwater irrigation within a large canal system. In Sowerwine, J.; Shivakoti, G.; Pradhan, U.; Shukla, A.; Ostrom, E. (Eds.), From farmers' fields to data fields and back: A Synthesis of Participatory Information Systems for Irrigation and Other Resources: Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Nepal, 21-26 March 1993. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI; Rampur, Nepal: IAAS. pp.123-142.
Scientific Publication

Managing the rehabilitation process

Murray-Rust, H. D. 1986. Managing the rehabilitation process. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Selected Irrigation Management Issues, Digana Village, Sri Lanka, 15-19 July 1985. Digana Village, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). pp.7-14. (IIMI Research Paper 2)
Scientific Publication

Case study in Pakistan: water quality and health impacts of domestic use of irrigation water

Jensen, P. K. 1999. Case study in Pakistan: water quality and health impacts of domestic use of irrigation water. In International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Collaborative research on the improvement of irrigation operation and management: water quality investigations. Final report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.39-50.
Book / Monograph

Changing to biofuel crops makes productive use of contaminated water

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2012. Changing to biofuel crops makes productive use of contaminated water. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2p. (IWMI Success Stories 013) doi:
Book / Monograph

Determinacion de las prioridades de mantenimiento en los sistemas de riego transferidos: La aplicacion del procedimiento MARLIN en el Distrito de Riego Alto Rio Lerma, Mexico. In SpanishDetermining maintenance priorities in transferred irrigation systems: the application of the MARLIN procedure in the Alto Rio Lerma Irrigation District, Mexico

Wester, P.; Cornish, G.; Ramirez-Calderon, J. J. 2000. Determinacion de las prioridades de mantenimiento en los sistemas de riego transferidos: La aplicacion del procedimiento MARLIN en el Distrito de Riego Alto Rio Lerma, Mexico. In Spanish. [Determining maintenance priorities in transferred irrigation systems: the application of the MARLIN procedure in the Alto Rio Lerma Irrigation District, Mexico] Mexico, D.F., Mexico: IWMI. xvii, 57p. + annexes. (IWMI Serie Latinoamericana 016) doi:
Book / Monograph

Research priorities for irrigation management in Asia

Small, L. E.; Barker, R. 1985. Research priorities for irrigation management in Asia; An overview of research in irrigation management in Asia. Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). 20p. (IIMI Research Paper 1)
Scientific Publication

Impact of climate change on water resources and agricultural production in the Indus basin, South Asia. [Abstract only].

Sharma, Bharat R.; Cai, Xueliang; De Condappa, D. 2011. Impact of climate change on water resources and agricultural production in the Indus basin, South Asia. [Abstract only]. In International Water Resources Association (IWRA). Book of abstracts: 14th World Water Congress, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil, 25-29 September 2011. Urbana, IL, USA: International Water Resources Association (IWRA). pp.100.
Scientific Publication

Discussion on theme 1 - Status quo analysis, characterization, and assessment of performance of irrigation in Ethiopia

Bossio, Deborah [Chair person]; Loulseged, Makonnen [Rapporture] 2008. Discussion on theme 1 - Status quo analysis, characterization, and assessment of performance of irrigation in Ethiopia. In Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Loulseged, Makonnen; Yilma, Aster Denekew (Comps.). Impact of irrigation on poverty and environment in Ethiopia: draft proceedings of the symposium and exhibition, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27-29 November 2007. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.93-94.
Scientific Publication

Promoting agro-enterprises in the highlands of Ethiopia through improved institutional support services: Experiences of market-oriented dairy and fattening development

Gebremedhin, B., Hoekstra, D. and Tegegne, A. 2014. Promoting agro-enterprises in the highlands of Ethiopia through improved institutional support services: Experiences of market-oriented dairy and fattening development. IN: Christy, R.D. , Silva, C.A. da, Mhlanga, N., Mabaya, E. and Tihanyi, K. (eds.). 2014. Innovative institutions, public policies and private strategies for agro-enterprise development. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing: FAO: 245 - 276.
Scientific Publication

The role of floods on pathogen dispersion

Bett, B., Tumusiime, D., Lindahl, J., Roesel, K. and Grace, D. 2021. The role of floods on pathogen dispersion. IN: Ferreira, C.S.S., Kalantari, Z., Hartmann, T. and Pereira, P. (eds), Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation: Environmental and socio-economic aspects. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol. 107. Switzerland: Springer Nature. pp. 139–157.
Mapping livestock and poverty: A tool for targeting research and development
Scientific Publication

Mapping livestock and poverty: A tool for targeting research and development

Thornton P; Kristjanson P; Kruska R.L; Reid R.S. 2004. Mapping livestock and poverty: A tool for targeting research and development. IN: Owen, E., Smith, T., Steele, M.A., Anderson, S., Duncan, A.J., Herrero, M., Leaver, J.D., Reynolds, C.K., Richards, J.I. and Ku-Vera, J.C. (eds), Responding to the livestock revolution: the role of globalisation and implications for poverty alleviation. British Society of Animal Science Publication 33. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Press: 51-65
Scientific Publication

Understanding the yak pastoralism in Central Asian Highlands: Mitochondrial DNA evidence for origin, domestication and dispersal of domestic yak

Xuebin Q.; Jianlin, H.; Blench, R.; Rege, J.E.O.; Hanotte, O. 2008. Understanding the yak pastoralism in Central Asian Highlands: mitochondrial DNA evidence for origin, domestication and dispersal of domestic yak, In: Sanchez-Mazas, A.; Blench, R.; Ross, M.D.; Peiros, I.; Lin, M. (eds), Past human migrations in East Africa: matching archaeology, linguistics and genetics. London (UK): Taylor and Francis: 427-442.