
Scientific Publication


Karmouth, Benjamin S. Jr et al., 'Libèria', In L'agriculture Ouest-Africaine et le changement climatique. Chapter 8 Pp. 203-231, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2017
Scientific Publication


Hassan, Shuaib M et al., 'Nigeria', In L'agriculture Ouest-Africaine et le changement climatique. Chapter 10 Pp. 259-290, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2017
Scientific Publication

Opportunities for capture of deep soil nutrients

BURESH, R.J., ROWE, E.C., LIVESLEY, S.J., CADISCH, G. AND MAFONGOYA, P. (2004). Opportunities for capture of deep soil nutrients. In: Below-ground interactions in tropical agroecosystems: concepts and models with multiple plant components. Van Noordwijk, M., Cadisch, G. and Ong, C.K. pp. 109-123. Imperial College, ICRAF. Wye, UK, Kenya. CABI Publishing. ISBN:0 85199 673 6. (Book) (Chapters and page inserts) (Paper). (CGIAR/IARCS, NARS, University faculties/research institutes â€' researchers/lecturers/students). (A)
Scientific Publication

Valuing water for sustainable development

Dustin E. Garrick, Jim W. Hall, Andrew Dobson, Richard Damania, R. Quentin Grafton, Robert Hope, Cameron Hepburn, Rosalind Bark, Frederick Boltz, Lucia De Stefano, Erin O’Donnell, Nathanial Matthews and Alex Money. Valuing Water for Sustainable Development, Science, 358 (6366), 1003-1005
Report / Technical

A decision support system for sustainable resource use in Bolivian smallholder dairy systems. Final Technical Report. Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh and Centro de Investigación Agícola Tropical, Avenida Ejúrcito Nacional, Bolivia. 60 pp

Fawcett, R.H.. et al., 'A decision support system for sustainable resource use in Bolivian smallholder dairy systems. Final Technical Report. Institute of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Edinburgh and Centro de Investigación Agícola Tropical, Avenida Ejúrcito Nacional, Bolivia. 60 pp', 2002
Scientific Publication

Pharmacokinetic interaction between pyronaridine-artesunate and metoprolol

Morris, C.A.; Pokorny, R.; Lopez-Lazaro, L.; Miller, R.M.; Arbe-Barnes, S.; Duparc, S.; Borghini-Fuhrer, I.; Shin JangSik; Fleckenstein, L. Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Pyronaridine-Artesunate and Metoprolol. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58 (10) 5900-5908. (DOI: 10.1128/AAC.02716-14)
Report / Technical

Mapping the Social Science Research Landscape in Kenya

Jowi, J.O.; Obamba, M.O.; Mwema, J.K.; Oanda, I. Mapping the Social Science Research Landscape in Kenya. African Network for Internationalization of Education (ANIE), Eldoret, Kenya (2014) vi + 50 pp
Scientific Publication

A Nonhuman Primate Toxicology and Immunogenicity Study Evaluating Aerosol Delivery of AERAS-402/Ad35 Vaccine: Evidence For Transient T Cell Responses in Peripheral Blood and Robust Sustained Responses in the Lungs

Hokey, D.A.; Wachholder, R.; Darrah P. A.; Bolton, D.L.; Barouch, D. H.; Hill, K.; Dheenadhayalan, V.; Schwander, S.; Godin, C.S.; Douoguih, M.; Pau, M.G.; Seder, R.A.; Roederer, M.; Sadoff, J.C.; Sizemore, D. A nonhuman primate toxicology and immunogenicity study evaluating aerosol delivery of AERAS-402/Ad35 Vaccine: Evidence for transient t cell responses in peripheral blood and robust sustained responses in the lungs. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics (2014) 10 (8) (DOI: 10.4161/hv.29108)
Scientific Publication

Caracterización y determinación de las actividades enzimáticas por técnicas de electroforesis de transferencia y difusión

Mayer, Jorge Edgard; Niño, Ricardo; Chuzel, Gérard. 1991. Caracterización y determinación de las actividades enzimáticas por técnicas de electroforesis de transferencia y difusión. In: Taller Avances sobre Almidón de Yuca (1991, Cali, Colombia). Resúmenes [Trabajos presentados]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Centre d`Etudes et d`Expérimentation en Mécanisation Agricole et Technologie Alimentaire (CEEMAT), Cali, CO. p. 1-4.
Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy

Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy

Laderach, Peter; Haggar, Jeremy P.; Lau, Charlotte; Eitzinger, Anton; Ovalle, Oriana; Baca, Maria; Jarvis, Andrew; Lundy, Mark. 2010. Mesoamerican coffee: building a climate change adaptation strategy. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 2 p. (CIAT Policy Brief No. 2)
Book / Monograph

Guide for co-elaboration of scenarios: Building shared understanding and joint action for reform and security of forest tenure

Bourgeois, R., Liswanti, N., Mukasa, C., Zamora, A., Herawati, T., Monterroso, I., Mshale, B., Banjade, M.R., Mwangi, E., Larson, A.M.. 2017. Guide for co-elaboration of scenarios : Building shared understanding and joint action for reform and security of forest tenure. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
Scientific Publication

Mengarungi Jeram: Sintesis dan Kesimpulan

Wollenberg, E, Moeliono, M., Limberg, G. 2009. Mengarungi Jeram: Sintesis dan Kesimpulan . In: Moeliono, M., Wollenberg, E., Limberg, G., eds. Desentralisasi tata kelola hutan: politik, ekonomi dan perjuangan untuk menguasai hutan di Kalimantan, Indonesia. :267-282. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). ISBN: 978-979-1412-85-8..