
Gender Capacity assessment
Report / Case study

Gender Capacity assessment

CGIAR Gender Platform. 2021. Gender Capacity assessment. Reported in Gender Platform Annual Report 2021. MELIA.
Gender and inclusion in the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE): an end of program reflection and evaluation

Gender and inclusion in the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE): an end of program reflection and evaluation

Joshi, Deepa; Braaten, Y.; Hakhu, Arunima; Pradhan, Rubina; Gallant, Bryce. 2021. Gender and inclusion in the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE): an end of program reflection and evaluation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 30p. (WLE Legacy Series 5) [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Can digitally enabling community health and nutrition workers improve services delivery to pregnant women and mothers of infants? Quasi-experimental evidence from a national-scale nutrition programme in India

Bajaj, Sumati et al., 'Can digitally enabling community health and nutrition workers improve services delivery to pregnant women and mothers of infants? Quasi-experimental evidence from a national-scale nutrition programme in India', BMJ Global Health, vol. 6Suppl 5, p. e007298, BMJ, 2022
COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better

COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better

McDougall C, Marwaha N, Atkins M, Cohen PJ, Patel A, Beyene BA, Goreth V, Hammad S, Kobusingye L, Lukanga E, Maisha P, Mkumbo A, Mountsoueke JP, Njeri S, Nyendwa K, Yerina A and Phillips MJ. 2021. COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Policy Brief: FISH-2021-17