
Scientific Publication

Seasonality and day-to-day variability of dietary diversity: Longitudinal study of pregnant women enrolled in a randomized controlled efficacy trial in rural Burkina Faso

Hanley-Cook, Giles T.; Argaw, Alemayehu; de Kok, Brenda; Toe, Laeticia Celine; Dailey-Chwalibóg, Trenton; Huybregts, Lieven; et al. Seasonality and day-to-day variability of dietary diversity: Longitudinal study of pregnant women enrolled in a randomized controlled efficacy trial in rural Burkina Faso. Journal of Nutrition 152(9): 2145-2154.

IIMI Pakistan report on activities, December 31, 1989

International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). 1989. IIMI Pakistan report on activities, December 31, 1989. Lahore, Pakistan: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Pakistan National Program. ii, 41p. + annexes.

Sanitation Assessment Report: Bashuar Village, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Amerasinghe, Priyanie; Ahmed, R.; Clemett, Alexandra. 2007. Sanitation Assessment Report: Bashuar Village, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Unpublished project report produced as part of the Wastewater Agriculture and Sanitation For Poverty Alleviation in Asia (WASPA Asia) 18p. + annexes. (WASPA Asia Project Report 11)
Training Material

Nayakathwaya ha mudal paripalana pilibanda govi niyojithayan sandaha vu puhunu patamalawa, 1998 Juli 23-26, Mahailluppallama. In SinhaleseTraining course for farmer representatives in leadership and finance management, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka, 23-26 July 1998

International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Sri Lanka National Program (SLNP), Shared Control of Natural Resources (SCOR) Project. 1998. Nayakathwaya ha mudal paripalana pilibanda govi niyojithayan sandaha vu puhunu patamalawa, 1998 Juli 23-26, Mahailluppallama. In Sinhalese. [Training course for farmer representatives in leadership and finance management, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka, 23-26 July 1998] Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Sri Lanka National Program (SLNP). 54p.