
Dataset / Tabular

Characterization of desired catfish products and related challenges faced by farmer producers in Oyo, Ogun, and Delta states, Nigeria

Komugisha, Basiita Rose; Manyise, Timothy; Mwema, Catherine; Cole, Steven; Oyesola, Olutokunbo; Akuwa, Elizabeth; Fregene, Bernadette; Siriwardena, Sunil; Rossignoli, Cristiano; Benzie, John, 2023, "Characterization of desired catfish products and related challenges faced by farmer producers in Oyo, Ogun, and Delta states, Nigeria",, Harvard Dataverse, V2
Workshop Report: Production and conservation of nutrient-rich small fish (SIS) in ponds and wetlands for nutrition security and livelihoods in South Asia
Scientific Publication

Workshop Report: Production and conservation of nutrient-rich small fish (SIS) in ponds and wetlands for nutrition security and livelihoods in South Asia

Thilsted, S.H.; Wahab, M.A. (eds.). (2014). Workshop Report: Production and conservation of nutrient-rich small fish (SIS) in ponds and wetlands for nutrition security and livelihoods in South Asia. Proceedings of a World Bank/SAFANSI Funded Regional Workshop on Small Fish and Nutrition. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1st-2nd March 2014, pp 47