
Book / Monograph

Managing water in the face of growing scarcity, inequity and declining returns: exploring fresh approaches. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Partners Meet, IWMI TATA Water Policy Research Program, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 April 2008. Vol.1.

Kumar, M. Dinesh. (Ed.) 2008. Managing water in the face of growing scarcity, inequity and declining returns: exploring fresh approaches. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Partners Meet, IWMI TATA Water Policy Research Program, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 April 2008. Vol.1. Hyderabad, India: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), South Asia Sub Regional Office. pp.1-523.
Scientific Publication

Productivity improvements in rice

Khush, G. S, 'Productivity improvements in rice', Nutrition Reviews, vol. 61suppl_6, pp. S114-S116, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2004
Training Material

Mechanization of rice in tropical areas

Johnson, L, 'Mechanization of rice in tropical areas', vol. 29 pages, Paper presented at the IRRI Thursday Seminar, May 25, 1967. 29 p, 1967
Regional developments: Middle East and North Africa
Scientific Publication

Regional developments: Middle East and North Africa

Breisinger, C.; Elmahdi, Amgad; Kassim, Y.; Perez, N. 2022. Regional developments: Middle East and North Africa. In International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2022 Global food policy report: climate change and food systems. Washington, DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). pp.120-123. (Global Food Policy Report)
Scientific Publication

La gestion de l'eau et des infrastructures des petits perimetres irrigues

Sandwidi, J. P.; Keita, A. 1997. La gestion de l'eau et des infrastructures des petits perimetres irrigues. Sally, H. (Ed.), Ameliorer les performances des perimetres irrigues: Les actes du Seminaire Regional du Project Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso, 24-26 Juillet 1996, Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. pp.89-120.
Scientific Publication

Modeling the distribution of Pterocarpus dalbergioides (Padauk) at landscape level using a geospatial approach, in Andaman- Bay Islands - South Asia

Nagabhatla, Nidhi; Roy, P. S. 2006. Modeling the distribution of Pterocarpus dalbergioides (Padauk) at landscape level using a geospatial approach, in Andaman- Bay Islands � South Asia. In Dayawansa, N. D. K. (Ed.). Geoinformatics for Environmental Conservation and Management: Third National Symposium on Geoinformatics, Sri Lanka, 25 August 2006. Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: Geo-Informatics Society of Sri Lanka. pp.35-43.
Nutrient recovery for use in agriculture: economic assessment of decentralized compost business model in Nairobi
Scientific Publication

Nutrient recovery for use in agriculture: economic assessment of decentralized compost business model in Nairobi

Gebrezgabher, Solomie; Taron, Avinandan; Amewu, Sena. 2021. Nutrient recovery for use in agriculture: economic assessment of decentralized compost business model in Nairobi. In Hulsmann, S.; Jampani, Mahesh (Eds.). A nexus approach for sustainable development: integrated resources management in resilient cities and multifunctional land-use systems. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp.25-38. [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Sustainable groundwater management

Shah, Tushaar. 2006. Sustainable groundwater management. In Giordano, Meredith; Rijsberman, Frank; Saleth, Maria. (Eds.). More crop per drop: revisiting a research paradigm: results and synthesis of IWMI�s research, 1996- 2005. London, UK: IWA Publishing; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) pp.84-117.
Scientific Publication

Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges River Basin

Sharma, Bharat; Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Cai, Xueliang; Scott, C. A. 2013. Water resources, water productivity, and poverty in the Indus-Ganges River Basin. In Vieira da Silva, R. C.; Tucci, C. E. M.; Scott, C. A. Water and climate modeling in large basins. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Brazilian Water Resource Association (ABRH). pp.93-116.
Value added aquaculture products
Poster / Presentation

Value added aquaculture products

Namulawa, V. 2013. Value added aquaculture products. Poster prepared for the Agrifood chain toolkit conference: Livestock and fish value chains in East Africa, Kampala, 9-11 September 2013. Kampala, Uganda: Uganda Aquaculture Research and Development Center.
Poster / Presentation

Improving livestock water productivity in Indo-Ganga Basin of India

Haileslassie, A.; Blümmel, M.; Clement, F.; Descheemaeker, K.; Amede, T. 2010. Improving livestock water productivity in Indo-Ganga Basin of India. A poster prepared for the ILRI Annual Program Meeting (APM) 2010, held at ILRI campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 14-17, 2010. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI.