CGIAR Gender News

Cassava breeding in Nigeria adapts tricot on-farm testing to achieve inclusive breeding

Cassava Farm Image: IITA Videos


See how innovative cassava breeding has enhanced the tricot method for inclusivity, especially in social and gender aspects. The documentary showcases partnership with the variety release committee to pilot tricot for on-farm testing, gathering valuable insights on crop preferences considering regional, climate, and social/gender differences. Learn how tricot empowers crop users, involving them in the breeding process, and acts as a learning and knowledge-sharing platform.

Tricot, or 'triadic comparison of technologies,' is a citizen science approach simplifying technology testing in farmers' fields. It uses an incomplete block design where each farmer evaluates only three varieties out of the total varieties tested. It streamlines participatory variety selection and enhances the breeding program. Tricot assesses crop varieties across different stages, from planting to processing, and extends its application to consumer testing in food science.