
CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Newsletter, April-May 2022, issue 1

Mapping workshop in Nyangania, Kassena Nankana District - Ghana. Photo by Axel Fassio/CIFOR. Photo: Axel Fassio/CIFOR.

Welcome to the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform April-May 2022 newsletter.

Better research methods for maximum gender equality impacts

In this issue, we share with you latest news from the CGIAR GENDER  Impact Platform as well as updates on gender research from across CGIAR's research portfolio.

We shine a spotlight on the importance of better research methods for maximum gender equality impacts. For example, tools for measuring women's empowerment must produce precise, comparable results to enable us to track progress toward women’s empowerment across projects, sectors and regions. Also a new CGIAR GENDER working paper offers guidance on how to integrate gender considerations in value chain development projects. Another highlight is a list of top 10 reads on gender and entrepreneurship.

Update (5/19/22): A paragraph in this newsletter can be interpreted to imply that collecting sex-disaggregated data is not useful, which is not the case. The point is that a careful interpretation of sex-disaggregated data and appropriate data collection methods are warranted to account for different sources of bias that may be the basis of discordant responses by women and men. In fact, data from a field experiment in Uganda indicate that there are different reasons for discordant responses by women and men to the same questions in sex-disaggregated surveys, including measurement error, but also bias related to cultural norms and information-hiding behavior. Similarly, the data collected in a large-scale survey in rural Ethiopia showed discordant reporting in almost half of households surveyed on intimate partner violence, part of which is likely linked to individual norms and behaviors.


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