GENDER platform news

CGIAR GENDER Research Clinics

Researchers putting some sticky notes on a board

From October 2024,  the GENDER Impact Platform offers to match your challenges with relevant gender research expertise, resources, methods and approaches.

Join our GENDER Research Clinic to gain support to improve how you address gender in your research

For CGIAR Researchers only

Why have gender research clinics?

All of us, however experienced in our research, have areas where we are less experienced or get stuck now and then, and benefit from thinking outside of the box with colleagues. None of us can keep abreast of every single methodological advancement in our field. All of us come across unique situations and novel challenges every day of our research. For researchers without a gender science or a social science background, the challenges of achieving gender and social inclusion impacts can be particularly daunting.  

You can bet that someone out there can help you by drawing on their own research experiences, training and knowledge of resources. 

But how do you find that expertise?  

If you are a researcher and you are experiencing a challenge with a gender issue (conceptual, methodological, practical) in your research, you can send us a description of the challenge and join a ‘clinic’ where one or more CGIAR gender researcher(s) will talk with you through a variety of ideas and options for solutions. 

Gender Research Clinics:  

  • Are an online space where non-gender researchers as well as gender researchers can seek tailored advice on gender in water, land and food systems research from CGIAR gender researchers 

  • Match demand for help on gender in water, land and food systems research, methodologies and resources with expertise across CGIAR 

  • Link up gender researchers with those requesting support in a 'clinic' format to discuss the challenge and propose a variety of solutions 

  • Are an opportunity to forge new relationships among scientists across centers and among gender and non-gender researchers, to open doors for future collaboration. 

How does it work? 

  • The GENDER Impact Platform team matches the issues with gender researchers who can bring relevant expertise to the table. If many people put forward similar problems, these may be grouped and addressed together.  

  • In a conversational online setting, gender researchers discuss how they would address the challenge, and propose tools, methodologies, actions and resources that might help. Recommended tools, resources and methods are shared afterwards for future reference. Clinics are just 30-45 minutes long and scheduled on a periodic basis (bi-weekly or monthly), as needed.  



For more information, contact Arwen Bailey ( or Marlène Elias (