Gates Foundation CEO Mark Suzman visits transformative poultry research in Kenya

During a recent visit to Kenya, Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), took a morning out of his packed schedule to head to the lakeside town of Naivasha, an hour's drive north of Nairobi, to visit the innovative poultry breeding research efforts led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and implemented in partnership with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO).
The visit, which took place on 27 April, comprised key locations that showcase some of the achievements of the Tropical Poultry Genetic Solutions program – a collaborative endeavor that seeks to unlock the immense potential of the poultry sector in Asia and Africa. From pioneering breeding programs to conservation initiatives and strategic partnerships, the program aims to empower smallholder farmers, improve nutrition and promote gender equality. Accompanying Suzman on this visit were Tadelle Dessie, lead scientist of TPGS, and Ochieng Ouko, lead poultry breeder from KALRO.
The first stop was KALRO's poultry breeding research station, where Dessie and Ouko spoke of their focus to identify locally adapted and farmer-preferred chicken breeds. They highlighted the significance of conserving indigenous chickens to preserve their invaluable adaptive traits for future generations. Notably, the program places a significant emphasis on breeding dual-purpose chickens—breeds specifically developed for both meat and egg production, recognized for their remarkable productivity and adaptability, resulting in a 100 percent increase in productivity.