CGIAR Gender News

Protecting and promoting traditional foods one woman at a time

Products and byproducts from Mahva plant. Photo: Mansi Tripathi/IWMI Photo: Mansi Tripathi/IWMI
Women and food-centric interventions through the NATURE+ Initiative aim to increase the resilience of rural women.

Reviving traditional food practices: Rural women to the fore

To revive the importance of native varieties of food grains, fruits, vegetables and wild edibles in the target sites, NATURE in partnership with BAIF recently organized three wild food festivals. The goal of these events was to promote knowledge of traditional rural and tribal culinary practices, food diversity and emphasize the importance of wild foods along with their nutraceutical and therapeutic properties. The events were held in the Akole, Igatpuri, and Shahada sub-clusters in the state of Maharashtra on August 22, 25, and 26, 2023. The festival saw participation of local tribal and rural women, experts, government representatives, students, and enthusiasts who shared their knowledge and experiences with wild edibles.