CGIAR Gender News

Rethinking multi-stakeholder forums for marginalized groups

marginalized groups Photo: Georgina Smith/WorldFish

Researchers have long agreed that fixing the challenges surrounding the way land and resources are used and managed requires collaboration. But getting it right is not easy.

How to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and interests – and access to power and capacities – and create a conducive environment to implement lasting change is the subject of perennial debate. So, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) decided to carry out research to dig into the subject to see where the pitfalls lie and how they might be overcome.

CIFOR's new paper published in the journal World Development  examines what Indigenous Peoples and local communities (abbreviated as IPLCs) and marginalized actors within those groups (e.g. Indigenous and local community women) think about the “multi-stakeholder forums” they are engaged in and their potential for equitable change.