CGIAR Gender News

Special journal issue details gender-responsive agriculture in Africa

Irrigating a farm using solar-powered water pump, Kenya.

Irrigating a farm using solar-powered water pump, Kenya.

Photo Credit: Jeffery M Walcott/IWMI.

A special issue of the journal Sustainability presents results-oriented publications of gender-responsive agricultural approaches towards critical food crops in sub-Saharan Africa.

The collection involves new findings from fellows and mentors in the Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) project. GREAT centers around interdisciplinary gender training for agricultural researchers to take new approaches to their research and to deliver equitable outcomes for all women, men and youth. The project offers mainstream and custom courses to fit the diverse needs of partners.

“The GREAT approach to gender-responsive agricultural research training differs substantially from previous training models, notably in the emphasis on interdisciplinarity, the length of the courses, and the combined focus on personal reflection, theory, and methods,” wrote the editors in the preface to the issue.

Since 2015, GREAT has trained over 346 researchers from 75 institutions and 30 countries. The research in the special issue explores gender-responsive results related to critical food crops, including bananas, cassava, cowpea, rice and sorghum in Ghana, Mali, Nigeria and Uganda.