Poster / Presentation

25 million African Farming Families by 2025: Science-Development Partnerships for Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture


The African Union-New Partnership for African Development
(AU-NEPAD) has set a goal of 25 million farming families
practicing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) by 2025 (Vision
25x25). This Vision 25x25 came out of the African Union
Leaders “Malabo Declaration” of 2014 that set a path forward
for African agricultural development over the next decade.
Science and technical support is needed to help AU-NEPAD and
its partners achieve this goal. The CGIAR Research Program on
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is
developing a collaboration with AU-NEPAD to provide support
to Vision 25x25. This poster describes some of the ways CCAFS
is working to provide this support.