Adapatbility of vetch (Vicia spp)
The farming system of the North Gondar zone is predominantly a crop– livestock mixed farming system; Most ruminant livestock in the zone rely on the local grasses and crop residues for their roughage and much of their nutrition. Because of the severe feed shortage problem in the area, farmers are efficient at utilizing crop residue to feed their livestock. The potential to improve livestock productivity on available feed resources
(native pasture, crop residues and agro-industrial by-products) is limited for various reasons – such as the poor nutritive value of native pasture and
crop residues and the high costs and limited availability of agro-industrial byproducts. Some efforts have been made to introduce improved forage species to the farmers of high and mid altitude areas of North Gondar. However, these efforts did not bring significant change because the forage crops introduced were not tested for their adaptability and productivity. Thus, an adaptation trial was conducted to test the best forage species to introduce, to strengthen the efforts that had already started. The objective of the present research study was to identify the best adaptive
and productive vetch species for fodder production in a model village in the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed