Report / Case study

Adolescent psychosocial wellbeing in the post conflict context of Sri Lanka - Summary country report: stage 1


This summary report describes the first phase of fieldwork from the Sri Lanka component of a ReBUILD-funded two-country study undertaken by the Overseas Development Institute (UK), The Good Practice Group (Sri Lanka) and The Carter Center (Liberia). The study was initiated and designed by Fiona Samuels (project lead) and Nicola Jones of ODI, and the methodology was developed in conjunction with the two country teams. This document summarises the phase one Sri Lanka report prepared by the country leads, Kusala Wettasinghe and Sarala Emmanuel, and presents the findings from fieldwork. The study seeks to assess if existing services and other responses to the mental health and psychosocial problems experienced by adolescent girls in Sri Lanka’s post-conflict settings are sufficiently informed by an understanding of context, gender and socio-cultural norms. In the first phase of this study, the main objective was to map adolescents and adults perceptions of well-being and factors that have an impact on adolescent well-being. It also aimed to understand the nature of services available for adolescents at ground-level