Scientific Publication

Adolescents, youth and the SDGs: what can we learn from the current data?


The 2030 Sustainable Development Goal framework, premised on the goal to leave no one behind, centres the global development agenda around the world’s most disadvantaged and heretofore overlooked populations. In order to understand the unique challenges faced by marginalised populations and most effectively deliver on that promise, the SDG Agenda calls for robust and disaggregated data collection that captures the inequalities faced by women and girls and young people more broadly, whose realities are often masked by reporting with broader scope. This report investigates what we can learn about adolescent and youth well-being based on available data, and the extent to which data that relate to adolescent girls’ and boys’ experiences are usefully disaggregated and reported. This work is an output of the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) programme