Agriculture Contingency Plan for District: Surajpur State: CHHATTISGARH
Agro-Climatic/Ecological Zone Agro Ecological Sub Region (ICAR) Sub Humid Region Agro-Climatic Zone (Planning Commission) Eastern Plateau and hill Region Agro Climatic Zone (NARP) Northern hill zone of chhattisgarh (AZ-72) List all the districts falling under the NARP Zone * ( *>50% area falling in the zone) Surajpur Geographic coordinates of district headquarters Latitude Longitude Altitude 23.21 N 82.85 E 527mt. Name and address of the concerned ZRS/ ZARS/ RARS/ RRS/ RRTTS RMD,College of Agriculture and Research Station -Ambikapur(C.G.) Mention the KVK located in the district with address Krishi vigyan Kendra Ambikapur Name and address of the nearest Agromet Field Unit (AMFU, IMD) for agro-advisories in the Zone AMFU -RMD,College of Agriculture and Research Station -Ambikapur(C.G.)