Agrobiodiversity conservation and economic development
1. Agrodiversity for Economic Development: What do we know? Andreas Kontoleon, Unai Pascual and Melinda Smale, Part 1: Policy Perspectives, 2. Managing Agricultural Biodiversity for Sustainable Use: Balancing the Benefits in the Field Leslie Lipper and David Cooper, 3. Do we have an Adequate Global Strategy for Securing the Biodiversity of Major Food Crops? Melinda Smale, Peter Hazell, Cary Fowler, and Toby Hodgkin, 4. Do we Need Crop Landraces for the Future? Realizing the global option value of in situ conservation Mauricio R. Bellon, 5. Marketing Underutilized Plant Species for the Poor: A Conceptual Framework Guillaume Gruère, Alessandra Giuliani, Melinda Smale, 6. Non-Market Institutions for Agrobiodiversity Conservation Ruth. Meinzen-Dick, Pablo Eyzaguirre, 7. Development, Intensification and the Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources Luis Rodriguez and Adam Drucker, Part 2: Multiple Objectives, Trade Offs and Synergies between Productivity and Agrobiodiversity, 8. Biodiversity Conservation and Productivity in Intensive Agricultural Systems Amani Omer, Unai Pascual, Noel Russell, 9. Pricing Agrobiodiversity: A Stochastic Approach to Model Environmental Efficiency Johannes Sauer, 10. Diversity, Productivity and Resilience in Agro-Ecosystems: An Example from Cereal Production in Southern Italy Salvatore Di Falco, Jean-Paul Chavas, 11. The role of crop genetic diversity in coping with drought: Insights from eastern Ethiopia Leslie Lipper, Romina Cavatassi, Jeffrey Hopkins, 12. A Trade-Off Analysis between Rangeland Health and Income Generation in Southern Namibia Stéphanie Domptail, Alexander Popp, Ernst-August Nuppenau, 13. Estimating the Interactions of Soil Biota and Agricultural Practices Sébastien Foudi, 14. Estimating the value of Milpa Diversity and Genetically Modified Maize to Farmers in Mexico: A Choice Experiment Approach Ekin Birol, Eric Rayn Villalba, 15. Can Greening Markets Help Conserve Landraces in Situ? Eggplants in India. Vijesh V. Krishna and Unai Pascual, Part 3: Market & Non-Market Institutions for Agrobiodiversity Conservation, 16. Agro-Biodiversity as Natural Insurance and the Development of Financial Markets Stefan Baumgartner and Martin F. Quaas, 17. Determinants of Collaborative Conservation Costs of Coffea Arabica's Wild Populations in Montane Rainforest of Southwestern Ethiopia Aseffa Seyoum, Bezabih Emana, Franz Gatzweiler, Belaineh Legesse, 18. Agrobiodiversity in Poor Countries – Price Premiums Deemed to Miss Multifaceted Targets? Mitri Kitti, Jaakko Heikkil, Anni Huhtala, 19. Market Participation and Crop Biodiversity in a Developing Economy: Banana'a in Uganda Svetlana Edmeades and Melinda Smale, 20. The Value of Ecosystem Sevices and Agrobiodiversity in Central Sulawesi Klaus Glenk, Jan Barkmann, Rainer Marggraf, 21. Farmers' Participation in Agri-Environmental Programs and Impact on Farm Performance: An Empirical Analysis Applied to Swedish Agriculture Karin Larsén, 22. Over-Compensation Payments for Agro-Biodiversity Conservation Cornelia Ohl, Martin Drechsler, Karin Johst, Frank Wätzold