Agroforice dataset: light simulation on oil palm-based intercropping system and phenotypic measurements of rice in response to light reduction and diurnal variation: Ensemble de données Agroforice : simulation de la lumière sur un système de culture intercalaire à base de palmiers à huile et mesures phénotypiques du riz en réponse à la réduction de la lumière et à la variation diurne
This dataset contains:
- simulation outputs of a light model performed on various design of oil palm with variations in planting density (inter row and intra row distances). The data are the transmitted light to the ground. Light simulations were performed using the ARCHIMED-PHYS software (
- phenological, morphological, physiological, and productive traits including physicochemical traits were measured in phytotrons (Abiophen platform of CIRAD) on eight contrasted rice varieties. The three light treatments were set up in three independent growth chambers, respectively:
• a control treatment (C) following the dynamic of incident light observed in Sumatra (with a ceiling radiation value that can be reached i‧e 1100 µmolphotons m-2 s-1)
• the agroforestry shading regime corresponding to the planting design selected from the simulation study (S-AF)
• a uniform shading treatment (S) with the same amount of incident light as S-AF
This dataset was used for the paper 'Combining modelling and experimental approaches to assess the feasibility of developing rice-oil palm agroforestry system' (<a href="">…;). Full description of the measurements and light treatments are presented in the material & method section of the paper.
R code to generate the figures, tables and statistical analysis are available on the github repository: <a href="">https://github…;.