Report / Case study

Aid for Trade in the agriculture sector: A comparative case study of three cotton sector projects


This case study analyses three Aid for Trade projects in the cotton sector from an inclusive growth and poverty reduction perspective. It compares two initiatives aimed at the mainstream cotton market, Cotton Made in Africa (CMiA) and the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), with an organic cotton project, the Lango Organic Cotton Project (LOCP). The case study is structured as follows. The introductory section sets the trade, growth and poverty context of the cotton sector in Africa. It then briefly outlines the Aid for Trade agenda. Section 2 provides an overview of the three projects and Section 3 discusses how the market principle is applied, albeit differently, across the three projects. Section 4 compares the certification and monitoring approaches applied across the three projects and Section 5 outlines the key components of the projects. Section 6 assesses impact in terms of production volumes, farmers and workers and Section 7 concludes, drawing out lessons for Aid for Trade programming. This case study was conducted as a desk review. It is based solely on key informant interviews, available published literature and programme and project documentation