Report / Case study

Aid for Trade in Lesotho: ComMark’s Lesotho Textile and Apparel Sector Programme


This case study analyses the Lesotho Textile and Apparel Sector Programme, which specifically aims ‘to improve the level of investment and competitiveness of Lesotho’s garment sector so that it benefits the poor by creating formal job opportunities’. The Lesotho case study provides insight into how Aid for Trade can contribute towards promoting pro-poor trade and growth in three Aid for Trade categories, namely trade policy and regulations, building productive capacity and trade development. This case study is structured as follows. The introductory section sets the trade, growth and poverty context in Lesotho. It then briefly outlines the Aid for Trade agenda and situates this case study within this agenda. Section 2 provides an overview of the Lesotho Textile Apparel Sector Programme, outlining programme initiation, design and implementation and monitoring and impact assessment. Section 3 assesses the success of the programme, considering the appropriateness of the programme focus, the enabling factors in its design and implementation, its impact on trade and poverty and how the programme has contributed to shaping trade policy. Section 4 concludes, drawing out lessons for Aid for Trade programming. This case study was conducted as a desk review. It is based solely on key informant interviews, available published literature and programme and project documentation