Scientific Publication

Assessment of fishers perception in developing climate change adaptation and mitigation plans


Climate change is a global challenge today, with its impacts felt worldwide. The coastal regions around globe are more prone to the impacts of climate change than the inlands, fishing being one of the primary occupations of the coast, the fishermen community is the most vulnerable group to be affected by the Climate change. Even with extensive scientific research in this arena there is a lacuna in finding a panacea to this existing problem. The objective of this study is to determine the scope of developing village level adaptation and mitigation plan for the community through a comprehensive analysis of the community perception on climate change impacts, vulnerability and existing adaptation mitigation strategies. In the chosen study villages of Ochanthuruth and Njarackal of Ernakulam district, the impact of climate change was felt on both resource and resource users based on a perception analysis made using comprehensive interview schedule administered across 300 households. The study revealed that the actual science and consequences of climate change impacts in a long run are not perceived well. The work suggests that concerted efforts in bringing about resilient community can be achieved through global understanding of the issue and coming up with area specific solutions with the inclusion of the much forgotten social factor- the stakeholders