Scientific Publication

Assessment of genetic variability in spring sown upland rice of Uttarakhand hills


Genetic variability, genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability, genetic advance, correlation coefficients among yield and yield components, direct and indirect effect of yield components on yield for fifteen characters in twenty rice genotype under rainfed upland ecosystem were carried out. The analysis of variance revealed that there were highly significant differences for all the characters among the genotypes. Higher GCV and PCV were observed in yield per plot and flag leaf width. High heritability with high genetic advance was observed in grains per panicle and fertile grains per panicle which indicated the governance by additive gene. But high heritability with low genetic advance was observed in L/B ratio, flag leaf width, kernel length, kernel width and yield per plot suggesting that these traits had greater influence of the non-additive gene action. Plant height had positive significant correlation with days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, grains per panicle, fertile grains per panicle and kernel width. Days to 50% flowering was significantly and positively correlated with days to maturity, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, grains per panicle and fertile grains per panicle. The path coefficient analysis at phenotypic level revealed that fertile grains per plant had the maximum positive direct effect on grain yield followed by plant height, kernel length and tillers per plant