Report / Case study

Assignment Report: Health Sector Support Project: Component for Reduction in Maternal Mortality (RMMP), Cambodia, Output-to-Purpose Review


Overall the project has made significant achievements in tackling the provision of safe abortion services in the public sector in a very challenging and complex Cambodian environment. Reduction in Maternal Mortality Project (RMMP) is highly valued in the Ministry of Health at the different levels. The success of this project has come from a combination of a strong institutional base in Cambodia with skilled and experienced management and technical expertise and a continuum of quality technical support from the UK-based Options team. The project documentation, training and research materials are excellent. The prospect of the DFID funded project closing at this early stage is viewed with justified concern on the part of collaborating stakeholders, with the risk that many gains made in Safe Abortion Care will not be sustained. The logframe presented some difficulties in measuring progress. The purpose is very broad, while the RMMP focuses specifically on safe abortion and family planning. The logframe neither captures the key elements of the project nor do the indicators and means of verification allow for a comprehensive assessment of progress