Scientific Publication

Base line data, diagnostic doses, and field monitoring of resistance to several insecticides in adult and immature populations of Tríaleurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) in the Cauca Valley, Colombia


As a continuation to the work on insecticide resistance in whitefly populations in Colombia and Ecuador, line base data, LC,, and LC,, values, and diagnostic doses for imidacloprid, monocrotophos, carbofuran, carbosulfan, bifenthrin and lambdacyhalothrin were calculated. Adults of a susceptible variety of Trialeurodes vaporariorum maintained at CIAT since 1991 were used. Disks of the treated foliage were placed on agar inside petri dishes. Al1 other insecticides were evaluated using glass vials coated with technical grade insecticides. Diagnostic doses for adults were 300 pgívial (monocrotophos), 5 pgívial (carbofuran), 100 pg/vial (carbosulfan), 5 pgívial (bifenthrin), 500 pgívial (lamdacyhalotrin), and 40 pprn (imidacloprid). Base line data, LC,, and LC,,values, and diagnostic doses were also established for first instar nymphs using the leaf-dip methodology with commercial dosages of diafenthiuron, buprofezin and imidacloprid. Diagnostic doses for nyrnphs were 300 pprn (diafenthiuron), 16 pprn (buprofezin) and 300 pprn (imidacloprid). The above mentioned diagnostic doses were used to monitor resistance to insecticides in adults and nymphs of T. vaporariorum variety in areas of the Cauca Valley, where excessive use of insecticides occurs. Adult populations showed high levels of resistance to organophosphates, intermediate resistance to pyrethroids, and susceptibility to carbamates and imidacloprid. No resistance to insect growth regulators and imidacloprid was detected among the nymph populations sampled