
Basic service delivery and governance processes in South Kivu


International donors and policymakers frequently prioritise the provision of basic services in post-conflict states, based on the assumption that these services can boost state legitimacy and reduce the potential for post-conflict violence. This briefing seeks to explore through evidence how this relationship operates in reality in South Kivu, DRC. It draws on the two wave panel survey conducted by SLRC in 2012 and 2015, in partnership with Wageningen University. Key findings include: Respondents had a positive perception of the quality of basic services, but a low perception of, in particular, central government actors. The perceived quality of health service delivery and the positive perception of government actors are strongly linked. Women, people in female-headed households and households that have been displaced did not have a lower perception of the quality of basic needs, but did have lower perceptions of government actors. This research is funded under the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC) programme