Report / Case study

Building the concept and plan for the Uganda National Early Warning System (NEWS) Final report


There is significant levels of investment across Uganda into systems that collect and share early warning information on a range of hazards including floods, droughts, diseases and conflicts. The UK’s Department for International Development has contributed to these early warning systems both at a national level and on the drought affected region of Karamoja, which experiences some of the highest levels of poverty and vulnerability in Uganda. The aim of this work was to facilitate an agreement with the key actors in Uganda around a road map for the development of a multi-hazard National Early Warning System (NEWS). This report describes the elements of an effective Early Warning System. It also provides feedback on Ugandan stakeholders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of existing Early Warning Systems. As part of the report a road map on the way forward for the National Early Warning System has been developed (Road map for a National Early Warning System (NEWS) for Uganda). An internet based survey aimed at practitioners in Uganda working on or using the results of early warning systems was produced (Annex 1: Results of a stakeholder survey). A summary of the final report is also available (Building the concept and plan for the Uganda National Early Warning System: summary report)