Dataset / Tabular

CGAP Financial Diaries with Smallholder Households 2014-2015 (Tanzania)


In order to elucidate the financial lives of smallholder households and build the evidence base on this important client group, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) of the World Bank launched the year-long Financial Diaries with Smallholder Families (the “Smallholder Diaries”). The study captured the financial and in-kind transactions of 270 households in Tanzania, Pakistan and Mozambique, of which 86 households are in the fertile farmlands of western Tanzania. The sample was drawn from 2 villages in Tanzania. Villages were selected based on their involvement in agriculture, and convenience in reaching them. Between June 2014 and July 2015, enumerators visited sample families every fortnight to conduct comprehensive face-to-face interviews to track all the money flowing into and out of their households.