The Chambo restoration strategic plan
The Chambo (Oreochromis karongae, O. squamipinnis and O. lidole) fisheries are essential to the food security of the majority of Malawians and a lifeline for rural and urban economies. The chambo fisheries, however, have collapsed and urgent restoration is required. Successful restoration of the important chambo fisheries demands a careful analysis of the problem and formulation of a strategic plan to implement relevant activities that will result in effective interventions in the fisheries. These proceedings give information on the process of developing a strategic plan for the restoration of the chambo fisheries. The papers contained in these proceedings cover topics ranging from governance, policy, biology, ecology and socio-economics and, therefore, inform the reader of the scope of knowledge on the chambo, the socio-economic and livelihoods context within which the people exploiting the resource operate, and past constraints to the management of the chambo fisheries. The proceedings also contain recommendations on how to overcome the problems and a strategic plan for the restoration of the fisheries. It is hoped that the proceedings will emphasize to researchers in the natural and social sciences and development practitioners that a multidisciplinary approach is needed that puts the people utilizing the resource at the center of all activities involved if the chambo fisheries are to be successfully restored