Poster / Presentation

Characterization of livestock grazing management systems in semi-arid areas of central Tanzania


Sustainable livestock production in many parts of the world including Tanzania is limited by the high extent of rangeland degr adation due to overstocking as well as invasive species. Proper livestock graz ing management systems, for instance, through strengthened traditional institutions and enriched tree planting, represent one of the best approaches for enhanced rangeland and livestock productivity.Traditional rangeland management systems, for instance, through in situ vegetation conservation systems of the fodder banks for enhanced regeneration among the Maasai ethnic group locally known as Alalili ( Rubanza 2008; Rubanza among the Maasai ethnic group locally known as Alalili ( Ruban et al . 2014), and traditionally known as Ngitili among the Sukuma ethnic group of north western Tanzania ( Rubanza 1999 ) represent important agro - silvopastoral systems for improved livestock productivity