Scientific Publication

Cinderella species and what happens after midnight?


This paper explains \'Cinderella species\' as plant species which were originally useful for timber, fuel or fodder plantations, but have since become widespread weedy invaders. It continues on to discuss that individuals and organizations from research and development community and private sectors should take responsibility since they were the ones who promoted these species and make immediate and serious efforts to resolve the problem. Although there are numerous Cinderella species, the most common in the list include: Acacia, Ailanthus, Albizia, Alnus, Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Leucaena, Pinus and Prosopis. The importance of improving their management and utilization is suggested as the way forward for many of these trees, not only to control invasions, but also to improve local economies. It mentions a consensus of opinion on general recommendations for the future development of invasive tree species involving improved and integrated control, management, utilization and commercialization