Dataset / Tabular

CIRAD wood collection - Dataset: Index of CIRAD xylotheque samples


This dataset aggregates data extracted from the index database of the CIRAD wood collection, representing more than 8,000 identified species in Montpellier, France.

<h2>Wood collection (xylotheque)</h2>

CIRAD's xylotheque is one of the most important wood collections of tropical and temperate species available to date. Initiated in 1937 from several small collections that have been gathered since the end of the 19th century for exhibition and demonstration purposes, it is now regularly updated and enriched, particularly in the context of exchanges of specimens with various scientific partner at an international level.
The collection consists of more than 34,000 wood samples corresponding to about 8,400 species, 2,155 genera and 247 botanical families. The collection, in the broadest sense, encompasses the collection of wood stricto sensu (standard size board 13 x 6 x 1 cm and specimens of various sizes and shapes), anatomical slides, herbaria and ancillary products (mostly duplicates and falls). It is computerized and managed through a database, which includes all the descriptors of wood samples and anatomical slides.
<h3>More information about xylotheque</h3>
"Normand, D., Mariaux, A., Détienne, P., & Langbour, P. (2017). CIRAD's wood collection. CIRAD."
<a href="">doi:10.18167/xylotheque</a&gt;

<h2>Description of the dataset</h2>
It consists in the following file: <code>Cirad wood collection index‧csv</code>

<h3>General information</h3>
The file is in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format, with following settings:
<li>Encoding: <code>UTF-8</code></li>
<li>Separator: <code>;</code></li>
<li>Delimitor: <code>none</code></li>

<h3>Data fields</h3>
The file provides information for each specimen of the collection on:
<li><code>CTFT id</code>, the main identifier and historical index</li>
<li><code>Specific gravity</code></li>
<li><code>Country</code> in which was collected the sample</li>
<li><code>Sub-continent</code> in which was collected the sample</li>
<li><code>Herbarium occurrence</code>, can take 0 or 1 value, which indicates if the wood sample has a match in IRD herbarium (Herbier IRD de Guyane) or National herbarium of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris, France). See links below. </li>
<li><code>Number of samples</code>, indicates the number of samples indexed and stored in the collection</li>
<li><code>Collector's name</code></li>
<li><code>Collector's id number</code>, indicates a classification identifier in IRD herbarium (Herbier IRD de Guyane) or National herbarium of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris, France). See links below.</li>
<li><code>Notes on origin</code></li>
<li><code>Number of anatomical slide(s)</code>, could take a value from 0 (no slide available) to 3</li>
<li><code>Spare samples</code>, can take 0 or 1 value, which indicates if other piece(s) of the same sample is available, in any form.</li>

<a href="… IRD de Guyane</a>
<a href=""… plants, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN - Paris, France)</a>