
Classification of Sorghum Races in the Southern Africa Sorghum Germplasm


Charartenzatton of nermplarm 15 an imponant first stro. after collrction, In the ~dentfication and rvaluat;on of indigenous accessions. A slgnlficant component of characterization 1s the clasr~ficat~oonf the dlfferent types of accessions contamed ~n the collect~on.W lthln the dlfferent types ofsorghum&cesslons In the world, several forms have been ~dentifird These were or~einallyc lass~fiedi nto cultivated (.3 1 s.p ecies) and related wlld rp-clen (17 species) (Snowden 1936, 1955). The vanous groups of sorghum and thelr d~stnbutionw ere further dercrihed by de Wet et al (1970) It was not until later that a method of classificat