Dataset / Tabular

Co-products management practices in agro-pastoral farms in Burkina Faso


This data table in Excel provides information from a survey concerning the management of crops co-products (CCP: straws, tops, stalks) and animal co-products (CCP: Dung) in agro-pastoral farms in western Burkina Faso in 2021. These data were used for writing a paper entitled ''Recycling crop and animal co-products on agro-pastoral farms for the agroecological transition: more than 60% potentially recoverable in western Burkina Faso".
<br>The Excel file contains 10 sheets:
<br>1) Map of the study sites;
<br>2) Pre-survey data (188 farms);
<br>3) CCP and ACP management data for the 60 farms;
<br>4) Data from table 1 of the draft article;
<br>5) Principal Component Analysis;
<br>6) Hierarchical Ascending Classification ;
<br>7) ANOVA on the PCA variables;
<br>8) ANOVA on the structure variables of the 60 farms;
<br>9) Data from tables 2, 3 and 4 of the draft article;
<br>10) Parameters