Dataset / Tabular

Code and data for: Not all species will migrate poleward as the climate warms: the case of the seven baobab species in Madagascar: Code et données pour: Toutes les espèces ne migreront pas vers les pôles sous l'effet du réchauffement climatique: le cas des sept espèces de baobabs à Madagascar


<p>This repository includes code and data for the following article:</p>

<p><strong>TAGLIARI Mario M., Pascal DANTHU, Jean-Michel LEONG POCK TSY, Cyrille CORNU, Jonathan LENOIR, Vítor CARVALHO-ROCHA, Ghislain VIEILLEDENT</strong>. 2021. Not all species will migrate poleward as the climate warms: the case of the seven baobab species in Madagascar. <i>Global Change Biology</i>. doi: <a href="">10.1111/gcb.15859</a>.</p&gt;

<p>The <code>data/baobabs/</code> folder includes the occurrence dataset for the seven baobab species present in Madagascar (file <code>data_Adansonia‧csv</code>). This file is the result of years of field inventories in Madagascar by botanists and ecologists working at <a href="">CIRAD</a>.<p/&gt;

<p>A development version of this code is available on GitHub: <a href="">…;