Scientific Publication

Conflicting rights, environmental agendas, and the challenges of accountability: social mobilisation and protected natural areas in Mexico


This chapter explores the contradictions between the agendas and accountability strategies of different social actors in two protected natural areas (PNAs) of rainforest in Southern Mexico. Different interests and perceptions over the actors’ rights are at the root of these contradictions, which undermine the construction of accountable practices around conservation and sustainable development strategies in PNAs. The two case studies are both situated in south-east Mexico: the Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve in Veracruz, and the Montes Azules Integral Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas. These cases highlight questions about how to establish formal accountability mechanisms for defining development policies for environmental resources. Owing to copyright restrictions, only the first 3 pages are attached, together with a link to the book at Zed Books